Mesh Technology

Mesh Technology, IP mesh radios, or mesh network (or simply meshnet) is a local network topology in which the infrastructure nodes (i.e. bridges, switches, and other infrastructure devices) connect directly, dynamically and non-hierarchically to as many other nodes as possible and cooperate with one another to efficiently route data from/to clients.

We have build up a portfolio of products that complements our mMESH technology. These different technologies can be integrated with mMESH to offer bespoke solutions to government agencies, responsible for defence and homeland security. The solutions can also be adapted for the private sector, for example broadcasters, oil and gas sector etc.

MESH for Armed Forces

Whether in combat situation, or humanitarian aid, or other situations where the military is deployed, it is critical for military commanders to have a reliable field communication network for better command and control. MESH is the ideal platform to proivde an IP-based, fully mesh network where voice, data and video can be transmitted across the theatre of operation seamlessly. Hub-less, the network still remain in place even if any node is taken out (ie. there is not central point of failure).

MESH for Homeland Protection

Police, Fire Department, Custom and Immigration, Disaster Search and rescue etc. are all important domestic agencies. Whether it is a police stakeout, a SWAT operation or riot control, or firemen fighting to control raging fire, or custom officers checking suspicious cargo, MESH can be deployed in various ways to support the operation.

MESH for Marine Protection

Coast Guard, Border Patrol, Navy, Marine Police, or any agencies tasked with protecting the coastal borders share a similar charter as their inland agencies. MESH can be deloyed on ships, RHIBs and boarding party personnel to enhance situation awareness during operations.

MESH for Private Sector

While our customers are mostly in the government sector, MESH can also be adapted to cater to the business needs of commericial entities in the telecommunication, broadcasting, energy, marine, mining and forestry verticals. NGOs' can also use MESH products during rescue efforts when emergencies and natural disasters strikes.

MESH for Unmaned and Aerial

MESH can allow both control telemetry and video streaming to be combined and transmitted over a single transceiver, instead of 2 separate transceivers. This can reduce overall weight of the drone, and reduce power consumption. Which all translate to longer operating time of the drone.

Mesh Scenarios

Some of Our Mesh Products

Our Mesh Articles and News