The objective was to provide high speed internet, tracking and audio/video communications at the Maritime Police HQ some 400Km distant, using our Hypha Mesh and Starlink LEO SATCOM.
- Published in Case Study, Highlighted Solution, News, PTT Case Studies, Tech Insights, Uncategorized
The first showing of Hypha Rex Kit in Europe, our mesh variant that is particularly aimed at SAR, along with Thesia – non-gps human tracking. Stop by 4d 059 for a chat.
- Published in Case Study, Highlighted Solution, News, PTT Case Studies, Tech Insights, Uncategorized
The first showing of Hypha Rex Kit in Europe, our mesh variant that is particularly aimed at SAR, along with Thesia – non-gps human tracking. Stop by 4d 059 for a chat.
- Published in Case Study, News, PTT Case Studies
Recently Sovereign Systems and hypha were in London to demonstrate the full capability of our communications solution.
- Published in hypha-mesh, News, PTT Case Studies
A UAE Government Agency conducted a multi-vendor communications POC last week, with the following objectives…
- Published in Case Study, mesh, News, PTT Case Studies, PTT-Mesh, Tech Insights
We recently participated at trials in the UK with the Ministry of Defence, and Italy, with the Italian Special Forces. Our SovSys IP Mesh radios provided connectivity for the C4i Systems mobile command centre, allowing rapid deployment and ease of set up. Live video streams and integration of the system components was achieved with the AD HOC MANET pop-up network, without deploying any infrastructure or cable systems. The integral Wi Fi access point on each SovSys Mesh radio allows WiFi cameras to connect to the Mesh network at LOS distances up to 90 metres from the radio.
- Published in News, PTT Case Studies, PTT-Mesh, Tech Insights
From Death Valley in Arizona to the deepest catacombs under Paris , our Hypha/PTT Mesh radios have excelled in a multitude of challenging environments
- Published in Case Study, mesh, News, PTT Case Studies, PTT-Mesh, Tech Insights
The use of cameras and other sensors in border surveillance is becoming more common. Many unattended and/or unofficial border crossings are exploited by persons seeking illegal entry to a country. This is prevalent in Asian, Latin American and African countries.
- Published in Border Security, mesh, News, PTT Case Studies, PTT-Mesh, Tech Insights
Where would we be without radios? Little did Marconi realise when he sent his first commercial transatlantic transmission from Clifden in Galway to Glace Bay in Nova Scotia, back in October 1907, how dependent the world would become on RF transmission.
- Published in Case Study, Emergency Response, Emergency-Response-Solutions, mesh, News, PTT Case Studies, PTT-Mesh, Tech Insights
From tunnels in Sydney, to valleys in California, to collapsed buildings in Dubai, and from the bowels of warships, ACE6 IP Mesh provides connectivity where its needed most, extending connectivity beyond the edge of existing networks and exceeding customer expectations!!
- Published in Case Study, mesh, News, PTT Case Studies, PTT-Mesh, Tech Insights