The Robust Bodyworn MESH is designed for tactical and spec-ops application, where mission-critical and all round communication is required for the success of the operation.

The Robust Bodyworn MESH is designed for tactical and spec-ops application, where mission-critical and all round communication is required for the success of the operation.

We are proud to be able to ship 140 of our class leading PTT IP Mesh hand-held MANET radios to the Ukrainian Military forces, via Poland. We got the call for any radios that might be available immediately, off the shelf, no delays.

hypha rex kit

A compact, deployable solution designed for emergency responders to create a pop-up mesh network and extend coverage for Wi-Fi enabled devices to the edge of current networks – and beyond.

hypha map

HyphaMAP is a lightweight device designed to be fitted to a vehicle, building or Drone/UAS. It combines mesh and Wi-Fi technologies to enable users to connect smart devices, sensors and cameras in environments that defeat radio and cellular communications.


Key to the solution is the HyphaCAP, a lightweight, portable device that combines COFDM mesh and Wi-Fi technologies to enable users to connect smart devices, sensors and cameras in environments that defeat radio and cellular communications.

From Death Valley in Arizona to the deepest catacombs under Paris , our Hypha/PTT Mesh radios have excelled in a multitude of challenging environments

IP Mesh radio 64 nodes

As you know, we have been very successful with our development of the PTT IP Mesh hand-held Mesh radio, the world’s smallest, truly hand-held radio using COFDM Mesh technology.

Wireless Mesh Radio Network

Mesh Radios or Nodes have a transceiver, meaning it acts as both a transmitter and receiver. This allows the Radio/Node to operate as a bi-directional radio carrying any IP traffic, including video, audio and data across a network of radios in a “mesh”.

mMesh Technology: Marine

We have build up a portfolio of products that complements our MESH technology. These different technologies can be integrated with MESH to offer bespoke solutions to government agencies, responsible for defence and homeland security. The solutions can also be adapted for the private sector, for example broadcasters, oil and gas sector etc.