mMesh Technology: Marine

We have build up a portfolio of products that complements our MESH technology. These different technologies can be integrated with MESH to offer bespoke solutions to government agencies, responsible for defence and homeland security. The solutions can also be adapted for the private sector, for example broadcasters, oil and gas sector etc.

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year to all our partners who celebrate the Lunar New Year holiday.

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Christmas Greeting Card

As we approach the end of a spectacular year for Sovereign Systems, we celebrate significant orders throughout the year from Government and Commercial partners in the USA, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, UAE, Kenya and Mexico to mention just a few.

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overwatch threat

OverWatch (SOC as-a-Service) helps support compliance with a rule by providing multiple essential security capabilities in a single solution, enabling you to satisfy many of the ‘reasonable steps’ outlined by the rule to accelerate investigations into suspected breaches to meet the 30 calendar day window.

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Pat Cullen

Although, together with Papua New Guinea, it is a small population demographic, geographically the strategic importance of New Zealand should not be overlooked. Establishing our own legal entity allows us to demonstrate commitment to the local market. Being a very remote country, New Zealanders like to do business with local people especially when it comes to support and service.

Mesh border control

The use of cameras and other sensors in border surveillance is becoming more common. Many unattended and/or unofficial border crossings are exploited by persons seeking illegal entry to a country. This is prevalent in Asian, Latin American and African countries.

Ace6 mesh demo in tunnel

Where would we be without radios? Little did Marconi realise when he sent his first commercial transatlantic transmission from Clifden in Galway to Glace Bay in Nova Scotia, back in October 1907, how dependent the world would become on RF transmission.

James Sovereign

From tunnels in Sydney, to valleys in California, to collapsed buildings in Dubai, and from the bowels of warships, ACE6 IP Mesh provides connectivity where its needed most, extending connectivity beyond the edge of existing networks and exceeding customer expectations!!

World’s smallest IP Mesh radio

Sovereign Systems is delighted to advise that the world’s smallest, truly hand-held, IP Mesh radio is now available in 4.9GHz frequency band. This addition compliments the UHF, L Band, and S Band variants already available.

INVaaS - Investigation as a Service

Companies and Organisations are subject to ever increasing pressure and stricter resources to provide fast and accurate results. INVaaS – Investigations as a Service will use the most suited and

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